Friday, April 12, 2013

How To Make A Memory Collage (for kids)

Think about the last time you went to a museum.  Imagine all the glass cases and pictures.  Each one of those is someone’s memory, kept safe for everyone to see.  We have museums because history and memory are important.  To protect memories of the world you know today, you could try making a collage.

What You Need

·         A piece of thick construction paper

·         Scissors

·         Pictures or favorite magazine clippings that your parents are okay with you using

·         Glue

·         A pen


1.      Set the construction paper down on a flat, clean surface.

2.      Organize your pictures on the paper so that all of it will be covered.  Pictures can overlap as long as you can still see what the picture is supposed to be about.

3.      Remove a single picture, cover the back in glue, and stick it where you had it on the paper.  Repeat this for all of the other pictures.  Be careful not to use too much glue or else your pictures will turn soggy and crinkled.  (Plus, it will get all over you!)

4.      Once you are done gluing, let your collage dry in a safe space.

5.      Your collage is almost done.  For the finishing touch, write your name and date on the back in pen so that everyone will know whose memories these are.

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